Exploring English as a Foreign Language (EFL). Students’ Anxiety Toward a Student-centered Learning Approach: Levels, Factors, and Strategies to Cope with Them


It is believed that students’ anxiety has an impact on language learning. Consequently, this study aims to reveal: (1) the levels of students’ anxiety as they have been following SCL in their lectures as well as factors they believe incur anxiety; (2) what strategies they use when they have anxiety; and (3) their perception toward an SCL approach and possible implementation in the English Education Department (EED) at a university. The respondents of this study are students from the EED across the intakes and comprise 114 students, while the number of samples taken is 38. This study is descriptive and uses the survey as its method. Questionnaires are used to collect data. The data are analyzed using a statistical tool to obtain percentages, averages, and standard deviations. The results of this study show that (1) the majority of students (64.10%) experience severe anxiety and the second-largest group (28.21%) experience moderate anxiety. In addition, the most anxious factors are fearing examinations (34.28%) and worrying about communicating (34.28%); (2) the most widely used strategies for dealing with anxiety are a cognitive strategy (79%) and a memory strategy (51%); and (3) students perceive that SCL is more effective than TCL and they tend to agree when SCL is implemented in their lectures.


Keywords: anxiety, EFL context, SCL, TCL

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