Validity Test and Reliability of Indonesian Language Multiple Choice in Final Term Examination


The purpose of this research is to examine the validity and reliability of the multiplechoice items of the Even Semester Final Examination of Bahasa Indonesia subject of class 7A Junior High School 2 of Surakarta (SMPN 2 Surakarta) in the academic year 2015/2016. A qualitative research method is used by involving the primary data from the school’s documentation, which in this case is SMP N 2 Surakarta. The respondents of this research comprised 26 students. The discussion of this research shows that based on the five percents of calculation table 0.388, the validity of multiple-choice items of-of significance of 5% with the correlation table of 0.388, the validity of the multiple-choice items of Even Semester Final Examination of Bahasa Indonesia subject that consists of 45 numbers, there are seven valid items, and 38 invalid items. The result of the reliability index calculation of the Even Semester Final Examination of Bahasa Indonesia subject of class 7A, SMP N 2 Surakarta is 0.3657 ≤ 0.6. This means that this instrument cannot be implemented to carry out measurements, so there must be an evaluation to improve its quality. Therefore, rtable obetained 0.388 with rtable and it can said that the result of measuring the Learning Result Test (THB) does not have a significant correlation and connot be said to be reliable.


Keywords: evaluation, multiple choice, reliability, test, validity

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