HRM Models in Public Sector Prior to Digital Tech Boom


The article explores and discusses the basic characteristics and points of human resource management models prior to the digital technology boom. The objective is to show the landscape in human resource management at the threshold of a new technological era. Firstly, I discussed the general concepts of HRM as applied to public
organizations. Secondly, I explained and provided critical comments on the salient features of New Public Management (NPM), Reinventing Government (RG), and business process engineering (BPR) models. Lastly, the final section tried to identify the obvious points of convergences and divergences of the said models through
simple enumeration.

Keywords: Human Resource Management; Public Administration; Digital Tech Boom; Management; Transformation

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[24] Joseph Reylan Viray is the Director of the Institute for Culture and Language Studies at the Polytechnic University of the Philippines, Manila. Concurrently, he serves as the Chief of the Center for Philosophy and Humanities at the same university. He has degrees in Law, Philosophy and Public Administration. He currently reads for his Doctor of Philosophy in Philippine Studies Major in Culture, Language and Media at the De La Salle University, Manila.