Hahslm Theory as Guidance of Straight Path in Management of Hajj and Finance


The phenomenon of spiritual awareness in Muslim Indonesia is characterized among other things by the high interest of the pilgrim approximately 221,000 per year and 500,000 Umrah pilgrims every year, the number of candidates waiting for Haji being 2.8 million people in 2018. CPC accumulated information on funds, initial deposit fee for Hajj (BPIH) until 2022 could reach 14,767 trillion. CPC had released the waste contained haj fee of Rp. 56.6 billion, including the cost of inefficiency boarding Rp. 12.8 billion, and some components exorbitant fees as low cost Rp 58.5 billion. There is no clarity that 3.5 trillion fund DAU (DAU) collected from the initial deposit by the prospective pilgrims could bring benefits and transparency in its management. The large number of pilgrims who have signed up compared with the available quota made a pilgrim in a normal atmosphere to wait for an average of 19 years. When the pilgrims had paid a down payment of Rp 25 million, then the money will settle during the waiting time, resulting in the accumulation of funds pilgrims in large numbers. So far, the fund management for Hajj is performed by the Ministry of Religious Affairs. The Hajj funds are placed in bank deposits, which is only Rp 2 billion guaranteed by the deposit insurance agency (LPS). And would be very unfortunate if the amount of funds that settles fairly large haj without playing in the productive sector.



Keywords: potential, management, funds haji

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