Business Communication in Islamic Economics: Muslims Activities in Traditional Market


Merchants face different conditions in determining the price for their products. In perfectly competitive markets, sellers are only price takers, which means that they are not free to set their own prices. The merchant must follow the market price and must set a price equal to the market price. If more than the market price, consumers will not buy from them and consumers will find another seller instead. The seller must notify the buyer about the quality and defects of the product before making a transaction. If the seller or buyer hides something from another, it will not be considered a halal business transaction. Therefore, the seller or merchant must be honest and ethical to provide the best-quality product. This provision is related to the fulfillment of consumer expectations that must be adjusted with the rules of sharia. Similarly, in terms of trade, as happened in the market of Andir city of Bandung. This study aims to determine how the compliant marketing applied in the process of buying and selling takes place, and how the communication pattern of Islamic perspective is in Andir market. This research uses qualitative method. Data collection techniques are through observation and interviews to the kiosk vendors of Andir market in Bandung and the costumers who visit and go shopping there. The results of this study indicate that the sellers and the buyers in Andir market are divided into two categories: those who are obedient to the compliant marketing and those who are still half-partial. This is evident from their communication patterns based on their categories. They have a unique style in negotiation techniques in marketing process.


Keywords: business communication, Islamic marketing, traditional Market, Islamic Shari’ah, negotiation techniques, compliant marketing

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