Avant-garde Magazines for Children in Siberia, 1920–1930 (Omsk, Novosibirsk, Irkutsk) in Siberia


The purpose of this article is to analyze the avant-garde art features in the magazines for children and youth issued on the territory of Siberia in 1920-s – 1930-s. The article explores archive materials and examines the contents of printed issues, peculiarities of the approaches to the inner composition of the material and design techniques, discovers the features of the ”Soviet avant-garde” development in children’s and youth periodicals. It indicates that the majority of the Siberian Children’s and youth magazines issued within that period has demonstrated a strongly demonstrated ideological overtone, claiming its purpose raising the new type of human and orientation on the ”literature of fact”. The article covers the peculiarities of the illustration techniques in Siberian post-revolutionary magazines. The article marks that up to the mid – late 20-s, the children’s and youth periodicals design became composed of such elements as insets, plane drawings based on a contrast combination of black and white, photography and photographic compilation. Furthermore, it describes a number of self-presentation techniques, developed exactly by the avantgarde art. As can be seen from the above, it can be stated that Siberian children’s and youth journalism acquired the avant-garde trends of the first third of the XX century, however, they haven’t been gradually and fully realized.


Keywords: periodicals, children’s magazines, youth magazines, Siberian journalism, avant-garde, literature of fact, illustration, photographic montage.

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