Spiral Progression Approach in Teaching Science: A Case Study


The K to 12 curriculum implementation has institutionalized a curricular framework anchored on spiral progression, and this calls for new perspectives in the implementation of the teaching and learning process. This research study aimed to describe: the students’ perceptions on the vertical articulation of spiral progression approach (SPA); teachers’ perceptions in terms of vertical/horizontal articulation on learning
competencies, mastery of subject matter, teaching strategies, and availability of instructional materials; positive experiences and problems encountered upon the implementation of SPA; and possible solutions for the identified problems. This study used the Modified Model of Comprehensive Assessment of an Educational
Program in order to assess the students and teachers’ perceptions in SPA. Three research instruments were used in this study namely: structured interview, focus group discussion (FGD) and, interview/FGD questionnaires to support the respondents’ responses. The data gathered were assessed through open and axial coding system that led to the gathering of themes for easier evaluation. The findings revealed that vertical articulation of spiral progression provides deep understanding of science concepts through a thorough review conducted by the teachers. Furthermore, vertical and horizontal articulations in spiral progression are achieved through cooperative learning in consideration of the students’ propensity to easily forget what they have learned from the previous grade levels. Moreover, the use of instructional materials that fit the interests of the students and the mastery of the subject matter of the teachers helped in the retention of science concepts.

Keywords: formative assessment, horizontal articulation, spiral progression approach, teaching science, vertical articulation

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