Lived Experiences of Tertiary Students in the Teaching of Philippine History Courses


This study is qualitative research which employs phenomenology approach coined by Edmund Husserl, the father of phenomenology. The main purpose of this study was to describe the phenomenon of teaching Philippine History subject in the tertiary level in the private university. The participants of this study were the students of different courses enrolled in Philippine History in the private tertiary university during the second semester of school year 2015-16. Also, this study included the faculty members handling Philippine History during the said semester. This research utilized interview guide in gathering information. The delivery of history in a private tertiary education was successful because the students were satisfied in the method utilized by the faculty members. In effect, the students realized that the History subject is vital in the development of patriotism and nationalism. Finally, the school managers and faculty members of history should employ teaching models fitted to the needs of the students in the contemporary period.

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