Optimizing Political Capacity of the Pro-Democracy Actors Through the Welfare Political Bloc


The paper explores problems and options that are challenged by the actors of pro-democracy movements in Indonesia. Its aim is to seek a-well-and-measurable strategies that enable the actors to continue promoting and advancing the democracy condition. The main analytical tool used in the study is the political capacity.
It is assumed that the development of democracy depends on how the actors actualize their political capacity in dealing with the obstacles and opting for possible alternatives. The study concludes that during the period of 2008–2013, the Indonesian pro-democracy actors have tendency to become populist. However, there are
three groups of actor practicing populism in three different ways. The first and majority group is the actors who tend to work individually from and within parties or progressive politicians, using the charisma and popular claims, yet they are not part of the mass. The second smaller group consists of actors who associate themselves as part and work along with mass organizations, e.g. trade unions, and demand for their interests. The third is a minority group of actors who opt for building network with other equal actors and coordinating organizational based activities. This study will help the actors to optimize their capacity by creating different roles in their efforts to develop the bloc and deliver louder public voices, e.g. demanding welfare state. Such situation enables the actors to foster a common platform for the democracy movement.

Keywords: Democracy, Democratization, Indonesia, Political capacity, Populism

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