Heritage Tourism Development Model Through an Audio Visual Concept in Lokananta, Surakarta - Indonesia


Surakarta is a cultural city with many historical relics that can serve as tourism objects. One of the historical heritages which can be used as a heritage tourism in Surakarta is Lokananta. It is the first music record company in Indonesia, which was established in Surakarta in 1956. The tourism potential of Lokananta, including physical building, various types of collections as well as phonograph record, audio tape and movie industry, make it viable to be developed as a tourism object by applying a more modern concept, i.e. audio visual concept. This concept is a combination of the existing potential in Lokananta and certain space arrangement such as audio visual theater room, music room, workshop room and integrated cafe so as to put up a more interesting, attractive and modern atmosphere. This is expected to attract more potential tourists to visit Lokananta as one of the heritage tourism objects in Surakarta City. This study is a descriptive analysis of the cultural tourism development model in the city of Surakarta. The purpose of this study was to explore: i) the potential of Lokananta so as to develop it into a heritage tourism object in Surakarta, ii) the heritage tourism development model through an audio-visual concept in Lokananta. This qualitative research collected data through observation, in-depth interviews, document review and literature study. In order to determine the position of the research object competitiveness, a SWOT analysis was performed to dig out the potentials of Lokananta. In formulating the development model, the result of SWOT analysis was significantly used to design the appropriate model for Lokananta. Then the data was analyzed interactively by reviewing, reducing and examining the validity of data to generate an analytical framework that has certain significance and interpreting the data to draw conclusions.



Keywords: Heritage Tourism, Lokananta, Music, Surakarta

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