Parenting Stress of Mothers in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Review of the Culture in Indonesia


Culture is a set of beliefs on the individual in a group. Culture also provided the means for interaction between parents and children. Cultural diversity in each country influences the way parents in caring for their children. There are some cultures that people, in general, have accepted the condition of children with autism spectrum disorders, but the community hasn’t been able to accept the presence of these children, so that will affect the acceptance and the joys of motherhood within the optimizing growing flower child. However, not all mothers are able to accept her daughter and happy with her care to experience the stress of caregiving. Indonesia with the complexity of culture also influenced the style of mothering, as two large tribes in Indonesia i.e. Batak and Javanese. The purpose of this study is to explore the issues about parenting stress and positive emotions in mother with autism spectrum disorder in Javanese and Batak culture.



Keywords: Autism Spectrum Disorder, Batak, Cross-cultural Parenting, Javanese, Mother, Parenting Stress

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