Psychosocial Effect of Gentrification in Indonesia


Based on Allianz Wealth Reports 2015, Indonesia is the country with the highest level of the social gap in Asia. It is predictable that one contributing factor is the gentrification that recently occurs rapidly in major cities in Indonesia. Besides increasing the level of economic impact for the local community, some studies have also found that gentrification effect on psychosocial condition of the society. This paper is a study of literature that examines the psychosocial effect of gentrification on Indonesian society. The findings of this study are that gentrification contributes to the emergence of various psychosocial problems, such as low psychological well-being, the changing of the pattern and orientation of social relations, the rising of crime rate, as well as a widening of social gap that can lead to social conflict.


Keywords: Gentrification, Psychological effect, Psychological problems, Psychological welfare, Social relation

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