Wages of Child Labor in Tobacco Plantations in Afdeeling Klaten, 1870–1930


The paper aims at history knowledge of the use of child’s power as child labor in the tobacco plantations in afdeeling Klaten in 1870–1930 to be shown, it is related to the unequal wages which was being received by the adult labor (men and women) compare to the child labor. The research method which is being used in the paper is the history method. Afdeeling Klaten was famous as a fertile land had become a chosen place for the foreign capitalist to open a tobacco plantation. For the local labor, working in the tobacco plantation was more favorable because besides the length of working time did not take too long, it was also able to recruit all of the member of the family, one of them was the child. Poverty was the main reason of the appearance of child labor; that was the main reason of the society in afdeeling Klaten in the colonial period. For the lack of the salary which was taken home by the fathers of the family in the colonial domination period forced the wives and the children must take the part to gain more income. The use of child labor would be easier to be happened when the society surrounding the child was even more supported it and the government seemed to not concern of the child destiny.



Keywords: Afdeeling Klaten, Child Labor, Family Labor, Poverty, Tobacco, Wages

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