Islam Nusantara: Religion Dialectic and Cultural for Pluralism-Democratic Society


Seeing the face of Islamic nowadays, Islam Nusantara is very needed, because its characteristic proposes solution in moderate ways, not right or left extreme, always balance, inclusive, tolerance, can live in harmonization with other religion followers and can accept the democracy well. Islam Nusantara is delivered through in friendly, harmonize and respectful way, so that it does not suppress the culture. Islam Nusantara is neither a new religion nor a new school, but Islam Nusantara is the face of Islam in Southeast Asia. The teachings of Islam are implemented in a society in which the mental and character are influenced by the structure of the islands. Islam Nusantara’s characteristic can be formulated in operational form as the basic of life for the pluralism and nationality society so that it can be defined as a process of Islam Nusantara actualization through local wisdom. In level of practice, it can be done by inserting Islam Nusantara’s values, not only in knowledge’s source and structure, but also in society’s morality. Those values are moderate, tolerance, balance and inclusive.


Keywords: Cultural · Democracy · Dialectic · Islam Nusantara · Pluralism · Society

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