Effect of Work Conflict on the Employee Motivation


Human resources are the main assets that support the running of an activity in a company. Human resources in the company are closely related to various things such as position, division of tasks, status, authority, and others. It is the main reason for frequent conflicts in an organization. The purpose of this study is to determine that the work conflict and miscommunication affect the employee motivation in the office of the Ministry of Justice and Human rights. This research is a quantitative research that is analyzing data that has been collected through questionnaires (Melissa, 2017) which are distributed to the Employees section of Legal Services and Human Rights. The process of analysing the data used SPSS statistical test tools version 20. Based on the result there is a contribution of independent variables (work conflict) to the dependent variable (work motivation). The result of the research is partially known that there is a significant effect to work conflict on employee work motivation with t

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