Reflection of Javanese Characters in Afifah Afra’s Novel Nun Pada Sebuah Cermin


This paper is the result of a library research which aims at revealing the Javanese characters reflected in the novel Nun Pada Sebuah Cermin written by Afifah Afrah. The analysis is conducted by using qualitative descriptive method. The main sources of data were derived from the novel and supported by some related books and other sources such as journals, articles, and essays from some websites. The data were analyzed by applying the theory of Javanese characters proposed by Achmad (2017) who notes that there are nine Javanese characters adopted in their life namely compliant, easy to mingle, working cooperatively, polite, friendly, alert and cautious, timid and shy, not self-forcing, and patient. The Javanese are generally considered as people who have soft and wise characters, particularly in their behaviour, and they always maintain to avoid dispute. The term Unggah-Ungguh ‘to behave in good manners’ is a prior tenet of Javanese people, especially in order to get comfort, serenity, tranquillity, peace, and blessing in life. The findings show that there are five Javanese characters which are vividly reflected in the novel namely easy to mingle, polite, patient, not self-forcing and timid and shy. Those characters are quite significant to put into practice in real life as they constitute dignified moral values to maintain peace and harmony among the members of a family, among the citizens of a nation, and among nations across the globe.


Keywords: Javanese characters, polite, patient, not self-forcing, shy

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