The Role of Grit in Developing Intrapreneurship Through the Mediation of Career Adaptability Among Generation-Z University Students
Since the latter half of the last decade, there has been a rapid transformation in workforce demographics as Generation Z enters the workplace dynamic and takes over the responsibilities of retiring Baby Boomers. However, as Generation Z employees gradually enter the workforce, organizational human resource practices have yet to evolve to address the performance issues this generation poses, resulting in higher employee turnover ratios among Generation Z employees. Despite this problem, Generation Z has a potential characteristic that will benefit organizations: intrapreneurship. This research examines the influence of grit on intrapreneurship as a valuable construct for Generation Z through the mediation of career adaptability. This research uses quantitative methods with mediation analysis. The results of this research show no direct influence of grit on intrapreneurship. When career adaptability is included as a moderator variable, the analysis results show a significance value below 0.05, which shows the role of career adaptability as a full mediator between grit and intrapreneurship.
Keywords: Z Generations, intrapreneurship, grit, career adaptability
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