Psychoeducation: Impact of Gadget Use on Early Childhood at PAUD TKM Al-Khoiriyah


This research aims to increase parents’ comprehension of the influence of gadget use on early development by providing psychoeducation to parents of TKM Al-Khoiriyah students. This study uses quantitative research methods with experimental techniques to view the differences in parental knowledge before and after psychoeducation is conducted. Data collection was done using a questionnaire of parents’ knowledge and efforts regarding the use of gadgets in preschool children. This instrument consists of five dimensions including 1) early childhood growth and development, 2) Screen time in children, 3) positive impact on gadget use, 4) negative impact of gadget use, 5) parental efforts in overcoming gadget use in children. Data analysis was carried out using Wilcoxon Signed Rank Tail. The results of the analysis stated that there were differences in knowledge among mothers after psychoeducation on the impact of gadget use on early childhood. The probability value shows that the p-value is 0.017 (p < 0.05).

Keywords: psychoeducation, gadget, early childhood

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