The Influence of Work-life Balance on Organizational Citizenship Behavior


This research was conducted to determine whether work-life balance and organizational citizenship behavior are influenced empirically. This research involved 218 active employees with birth year criteria of 1997 to 2007 at the company PT. Pupuk Kalimantan Timur, Bontang. The research sample was determined using a probability sampling technique with simple random sampling. Research data was obtained using two types of scales, Work-Life Balance and Organizational Citizenship Behavior. Research data was analyzed using analytical techniques Product Moment with the help of SPSS 26.0 for Windows. Based on the results analysis it is revealed that Work-Life Balance and Organizational Citizenship Behavior have no significant influence with p-value = 0.891 (p<0.05). Influence of Work-Life Balance against Organizational Citizenship Behavior is shown by the R-value of 0.009, which means that both variables do not have strong correlation. Findings study show that there is no influence between Work-Life Balance and Organizational Citizenship Behavior.

Keywords: work-life balance, organizational citizenship behavior, generation Z

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