Adversity Quotient and Academic Stress in College Students


Academic stress is something that cannot be avoided by students, especially college students. Academic stress can occur when someone is unable to adapt to the environment and friends, feels pressured by the excessive amount of assignments, and is pressured by the expectations given by parents or lecturers. Academic stress is a factor in the form of adversity quotient or a person’s ability to survive in the face of pressure or difficult circumstances that can be used to avoid, face, and reduce the level of academic stress. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of adversity quotient on academic stress in students. The method in this study is a phenomenological qualitative method by collecting data through semi-structured interviews which are then analysed with the literature review that has been obtained. The results of this study indicate that students with academic stress can relieve their academic stress if they also have adversity quotient in themselves such as self-control, endurance, responsibility, and understanding the range of self in solving problems then the academic stress they have can be avoided, faced, and reduced.

Keywords: adversity quotient, academic stress, college students

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