Emotional Stability as a Predictor of Compliance to Authority in Students of Public Junior High School 2 Pare Kediri District


Emotional stability is one of the factors that influence compliance with authority in junior high school students. However, at this time there are many phenomena where students do not obey authority figures at school. Many of the students dare to break the rules, commit acts of violence, oppose, and rebel against the authority enforcers to do things that disturb and disturb the community. This study uses quantitative methods with descriptive correlational research type of cause and effect, using descriptive analysis and simple linear regression. Using simple random sampling techniques in each class VIII SMP Negeri 2 Pare and obtained 201 students as respondents. Data collection was carried out with the help of scales, namely the Emotional Stability Test for Children Scale and the Obedient-Disobedient Tendency Scale. The results of the analysis showed that 96.52% of the subjects had a low level of compliance with authority and 113 subjects had high emotional stability. From the results of hypothesis testing, a significance value of 0.037 <0.05 is obtained, which means that the hypothesis is accepted, it is also known that the R-Square value is 0.022, which means that emotional stability contributes to the emergence of compliance with authority by 2.2%.

Keywords: emotional stability, compliance with authority, students

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