Contribution to Self-efficacy and Time-management to Enhance Reading Literacy
Reading is a basic knowledge and provides for competitiveness in this globalization and technology era, however, it is challenging for middle school students who are still in the identity crisis phase. This study aims to describe self-efficacy, time management, and reading literacy skills, and also analyze the contribution of self-efficacy and time management towards reading literacy skills of the Indonesian language in middle school students. The research method used a correlational relationship. A total of 372 middle school students participated in the research. The sample was gathered using probability sampling, which was a cluster random sampling technique. Data were collected using a self-efficacy scale, time-management scale, and reading literacy evaluation scores. Then, they were analyzed using multiple linear regression, after the assumption test. Results found that self-efficacy and time management separately aren’t significantly related to reading literacy skills, yet together they significantly contribute to reading literacy skills in the Indonesian language among middle school students. Self-efficacy contributed to 9.1% and time management contributed 8.6% to reading literacy skills. The proposed regression model is adequate for predicting the reading literacy variable.
Keywords: reading literacy, self-efficacy, time management
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