Teachers' Work Motivation and Psychological Well-being on the Existence of ABASTEN Kindergarten Through BERSERI Programme
The development of education’s area is inseparable from efforts to face the challenges that exist. Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal Kindergarten (TK ABASTEN) 10 Sumberpucung is one of the schools managed by the Aisyiyah association with the vision of providing quality preschool education to prepare children with good personality, noble character, academic foundation, and active and creative spirit. This seems ironic given the fact that ABASTEN Kindergarten is located in a localized area. Another obstacle is the school’s low financial capacity which results in minimal teacher salaries. Despite these limitations, ABASTEN Kindergarten has improved its quality and increased the number of students each year. This is certainly very much related to the work motivation and psychological well-being of the teachers. The purpose of this study is to find out the innovations made by the school so that it can increase the work motivation and psychological well-being of teachers at ABASTEN Kindergarten. The research method used was qualitative using a semi-structured interview model with data analysis using interview results and literature studies. The research subjects were seven teachers with active status at ABASTEN Kindergarten. The result of this study is the promotion of the BERSERI (Sharing Every Day) programme as one of the innovations carried out by the school is to increase work motivation and strengthen the psychological well-being of teachers.
Keywords: kindergarten teacher, work motivation, psychological well-being
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