The Influence of Sharia Compliance, Service Quality, and Promotion on E-Loyalty of Bank Jago Syariah Customers


According to the Bank Indonesia, the digital sector is poised for substantial growth, fueled by an expanding economic and digital financial ecosystem. A notable increase in digital bank accounts was observed in 2021, with 25% of adults owning one. Projections suggest this will rise to 39%, or approximately 74.8 million, by 2026. This research aims to evaluate how Sharia adherence, service quality, and promotional efforts impact the e-loyalty of Bank Jago Syariah’s customers, thereby aiding Islamic digital banks in navigating the swiftly evolving digital finance landscape. The research selected 150 Bank Jago Syariah customers from Jabodetabek through purposive sampling. SEM PLS was the analytical method employed, yielding an adjusted r-square of 0.574. This indicates that 57.4% of e-loyalty can be attributed to the variables of Sharia compliance, service quality, and promotion, while the remaining 42.6% may be influenced by factors not included in this study. Findings reveal that Sharia compliance had a significant positive effect on e-loyalty, as does service quality, whereas promotion does not. The research suggests that enhancing e-loyalty among Bank Jago Syariah customers can be achieved by consistently adhering to Sharia principles, improving service quality, and refining promotional strategies.

Keywords: Bank Jago Syariah, e-loyalty, service quality

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