The Role of Waqaf and Zakat as Fiscal Policy Instruments in Indonesia


The role of zakat and waqf is huge in terms of helping the poor in Indonesia as they have many benefits if we implement them. The alternative and strategic solution offered by Islam is none other than a productive and creative zakat management (distribution and utilization) system. With the management as intended, it is hoped that it can empower the poor to become Aghniya (the rich) and make Mustahiq become muzakki. Likewise, waqf has many benefits, especially in terms of helping the poor to improve their welfare. Therefore, this study aims to examine the role of waqf and zakat as instruments of fiscal policy in Indonesia. The research was conducted using qualitative methods and the technique used by researchers was the library research method. The library method is research conducted by reading articles from journals as well as data from the Central Bureau of Statistics and the Indonesian Waqf Board using a literature review. The data used is time series data and the time of this research was between 2019 and 2022. Data sources were obtained from BAZNAS (National Amil Zakat Agency), BPS (Central Statistics Agency), and BWI (Indonesian Waqaf Agency). The results of the study show that waqf and zakat in a country’s macro-economy are very significant as fiscal policy instruments, positive impacts in various fields, especially economic and social in Indonesia, especially in increasing aggregate consumption to increase the country’s income level.

Keywords: waqaf, zakat, fiscal policy

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