Influence of Service Quality on Purchase Decision with Customer Satisfaction and Hedonistic View as Mediating Variables


Practicing pilot service in a game is popular. One of them is EL’s Merchant Pilot Service. This study was conducted to find the significant impact of service quality that influenced purchase decisions with customer satisfaction and hedonistic view as mediating variables using Smart PLS 3.0 software. The sample of respondents was 150, and they were asked to grade all the indicators using a five-point Likert scale. The results showed that service quality had a significant impact on purchase decisions. The hedonistic view also mediates well between service quality and purchase decision, as well as the serial mediation of the hedonistic view and customer satisfaction that mediates service quality and purchase decision. However, customer satisfaction does not mediate the relationship between service quality and purchase decisions. Theoretically, this study cooperates the collaboration among the service quality, hedonic view, and customer satisfaction to discover what may create the purchase decision in an online game pilot service sector. It enforces that the hedonic view and customer satisfaction are serially positioned as mediation variables between service quality and purchase decision.

Keywords: service quality, purchase decision, customer satisfaction, hedonistic view

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