Pagelaran Smartland: Using Virtual Reality Media to Increase Hybrid Tourist Visits for the Pottery Industry
Pagelaran Village is a projected educational tourism village that focuses on the development of traditional pottery. However, with the number of visitors decreased during the pandemic, there are several difficulties to attract enthusiastic visitors and increase tourist visits. This causes higher turnover rates which is projected to increase significantly when the pandemic ends. The Pagelaran SmartLand design aims to provide a digital infrastructure for virtual tourist visits through virtual reality technology that can be accessed easily and is able to be integrated with the pottery craftsmen of Pagelaran Village. The media development method used an asset-based community development (ABCD) approach that focuses on integrating local assets with the latest technology through asset inventory. The media validity level was obtained through validity testing by material and media experts. The profitability growth rate of the Pagelaran Village pottery industry after the media implementation was measured through a paired t-test with guidelines based on the significance value (Sig). If Sig. (2 tailed) < 0.05, then H0is rejected and Hais accepted and if Sig. (2-tailed) > 0.05, then H0is accepted and Hais rejected. A practicality test was carried out to identify the media practicality which was obtained through obtained value/maximum score x 100%. In this regard, the Pagelaran SmartLand can accommodate an increase in hybrid tourism visits to the pottery industry in Pagelaran Village and has the potential to provide an increase in turnover for pottery craftsmen.
Keywords: SmartLand, Pagelaran village, tourism, virtual reality
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