Realization of Cultural Values and Trans-Languaging in The Visual Images of an Indonesian Picture Book


This study investigated the realization of cultural values and trans-languaging in a picture book. The current discussion of trans-languaging has been focused on the verbal texts found in school textbooks, children’s comics or conventional novels. On the other hand, the study offers insights into trans-languaging that is realized in a different semiotic mode, namely visual images. The primary data for the study is a picture book written by an Indonesian writer Clara Ng entitled ‘Kancil Yang Baik’.’. The main methodological tools for the study are Wei’s (2018) concept of translanguaging and Kress and Van Leuween’s (2006) concept of the grammar of visual design, focusing on the compositional function. The data analysis is conducted to elaborate on the features of cultural values and trans-languaging in the visual image format of the picture book. Further, interpretation will be made on the implications of how these features may be used in various reading activities. The results of the study indicate that visual images in a picture book are a rich source of cultural content. Therefore, it is advisable to optimize reading activities that also focus on the visual images of picture books.

Keywords: translanguaging, picture books, visual images, cultural values

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