Clil Models to Develop Students' Communication Skills Based on Their Attitudes Toward Reading
This study proposed Content and Language Instruction Learning (CLIL) as a model for building students’ English communication skills, which are essential in the 21st century. The CLIL model is proposed based on students’ attitudes toward reading materials in their EFL reading classes. This survey study involved 828 Junior High School students completing an online questionnaire about their reading attitudes. Nine teachers were interviewed to obtain data about the challenges they faced in teaching reading and how they coped with those challenges. The study discovered that some students have apprehension feelings toward English reading material that make them unable to catch up with the class. Additionally, teachers encounter challenges while planning and selecting learning materials because of students’ different abilities. Besides, the CLIL model has been implemented by one of the teachers, even though it has not been planned further. Thus, models B1, B2, B3, and B4 of CLIL are proposed to solve the problem found. However, this study is limited to the CLIL model recommendation based on the context, so further researchers need to elaborate on the implementation of the model across primary and tertiary school levels.
Keywords: CLIL, students’ attitude, EFL reading
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