Cohesion In the Texts of Arabic Textbooks Written by Indonesian Authors


Arabiyyah Li al-Hayât (ALH) is a book about learning Arabic as a second language written by non-native speakers. The State Islamic University of Malang uses this book as an Arabic learning book. This paper analyses the cohesion in the reading texts (nushush Qira‘ah) used for learning Arabic reading skills in the book. This library research uses a descriptive-qualitative approach. This study found that reading texts have several kinds of cohesion markers, both grammatical and lexical cohesion. Grammatical cohesion marker includes the use of pronoun personas and the use of conjunction markers. Lexical cohesion marker includes the use of repetition, that is, the repetition of words. The researchers also found reading texts in ALH books that lacked a relationship of greatness in them.

Keywords: cohesion, Arabic, reading skill, non-native speaker

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