The Development of Polysynchronous-Based E-Learning For EFL Class


As a result of the effects of COVID-19 spread, the Indonesian government issued a new policy in the educational sector instructing all educational units and institutions to carry out an online learning activity that can be held virtually and accessed everywhere and every time. To support online learning either in real-time or at different times, it usually uses a learning management system (LMS) in which students have more than sufficient time to read and understand the material and discuss it based on their availability. The LMS or e-learning currently implemented at UM Lamongan has several obstacles, such as an unsupported system to do the learning process and less than optimal bandwidth or limited access, so the users prefer to use other platforms. This study aims to develop e-learning media and adapt the system to the needs of learning English. In addition, e-learning media which can be used as asynchronous learning media can be integrated into learning media which are also commonly used for synchronous learning so that all learning processes can be monitored and disciplined. Moreover, the achievement of competence in learning English can be exceeded maximally. This research employed the research and development (R&D) method with the ADDIE model. The researcher used a descriptive quantitative approach. The assessment instruments used were test scores, interviews, observations, and interviews. The parties involved in this research were English lecturers, students, online learning media experts, and English learning material experts.

Keywords: online learning, LMS, Polysynchronous, EFL

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