Bibliometric Studies Perspective on Child Protection Policy


For this inquiry, papers from international journals that are indexed by SCOPUS are accessed using the VosViewer 1.6.17 software. Nonetheless, 533 articles from the years 1975 to 2021 were picked with the keywords ”CHILD PROTECTION, CHID ABUSE, AND CHILD POLICY.” Scholarly interest in this subject increased significantly between the years 2017 and 2021; the highest year was 2018 when 50 publications on the subject of child protection were published. In general, the findings of bibliometric study on ”CHILD PROTECTION, CHILD ABUSE, AND CHILD POLICY,” especially forms of violence and the causes of violence against children, are currently being researched in the field of psychology. Child safety and public policy are still hotly debated subjects. So far, there are just 18 articles.

Keywords: child protection, child abuse, child policy, bibliometrics

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