Connecting the "Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka" and Village Law Policies: Possible Contribution of College Students in Indonesia's Coastal Rural Development


Indonesian college students (mahasiswa) have a long tradition of participating in Indonesia’s rural development. Initiated in early 1971 by three national universities, the Kuliah Kerja Nyata program has served rural development by sending mass college students to participate in rural community service agendas. The ministry of education’s recent implementation of ”Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka” policies has expanded students’ opportunities to experience the learning process outside of universities. On the other hand, contemporary rural policies, through the implementation of Village Law 2014, have established village autonomy, thus creating a new space for various actors to participate and collaborate with the village government to conduct development programs. The paper argues that both policies have simultaneously emerged to connect each agenda, which could establish cooperation related to rural development. Here we intend to track and identify what and how students can participate in the rural development agenda by analyzing two different policies specifically in the east coast community of Lampung Province. It is expected that the policy analysis result could decipher various corridors and regulations that could support college students’ involvement in developing rural Indonesia.

Keywords: rural development, higher education, village autonomy

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