Ethnoecological Analysis for Implementation of Inter-organizational Networks in Forest and Land Fires Policy


Forest fires are the most detrimental cause of forest destruction because in a short time, they can cause economic, ecological, aesthetic, and political losses. The purpose of this study is to analyze forms of biodiversity conservation carried out by local communities (ethnoecology) of people living in peat areas. This research was conducted in Riau Province, and the method used was qualitative. The unit of analysis in this study is the people who are considered to have knowledge about the implementation of inter-organizational networks in forest and land fire control in Riau Province. The results showed that forest and land fires that occurred in Riau Province were more common in company plantations and the rest occurred in community plantations. Implementation of inter-organizational networks in forest and land fire control in Riau province in the form of standards and objectives, resource policies, inter-organizational communication, and disposition (characteristics of implementing agencies). The recommendation from this research is to control forest and land fires in Riau Province starting from prevention and extinguishing to post-fire recovery, the local government massively socializing land clearing by burning to clear land without burning, as well as providing facilities and infrastructure for prevention, control, and repair after forest and land fires.

Keywords: peatland, policy Implementation, inter-organizational network ethnoecology, forest and land fires

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[16] Syahza A, Kozan O, Sutikno S, Irianti M, Mizuno K, Hosobuchi M. Restorasi ekologi lahan gambut berbasis kelompok masyarakat mandiri melalui revegetasi di Desa Tanjung Leban Kabupaten Bengkalis, Riau. Riau Journal of Empowerment. 2021 Aug 31;4(2):69-81.

[17] Sujadi HA, Purba AR, Lubis MI. Ragam Genetik Kandungan Asam Lemak, Bilangan Iodine Dan Beta Karoten 24 Aksesi Plasma Nutfah Kamerun Koleksi Pusat Penelitian