The Community Satisfaction with Village Infrastructure Development in Pinrang Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia


This study aims to: (1) determine the level of community satisfaction with infrastructure development in Patong village, (2) Determine the relationship between community satisfaction and infrastructure development in Patong village. A sampling technique is a targeted sample, that is, the selection of an informant who is deemed to be aware of the problem and who is believed to be able to be used as a legitimate data source. The number of samples in this survey was 29 inhabitants spread over the villages of Tante, Labulang, and Patong Village. Data collection is carried out using questionnaires and documentation. Data analysis is performed by descriptive statistical analysis, classic tool testing, and hypothetical tests. The results of the community satisfaction survey in Patong village, Pinrang Regency, which is community satisfaction in services is good (43.7%), and community satisfaction with infrastructure is quite good (51.2%). Therefore, services in Patong village need to be improved to achieve a smooth and effective administrative process. The results of this study also show that the correlation between community satisfaction and infrastructure development by a factor of r 0.460 means that between the variables of community satisfaction and infrastructure development in Patong village, Pinrang Regency, lies in the range of 0.400–0.599 table correlation coefficients, including the middle category. The value of the interest is 0.012, which is less than 0.05, which means that the variable for community satisfaction has a significant impact on the development of the infrastructure in Patong village, Pinrang Regency; therefore, cooperation with different countries is necessary so that the development of the infrastructure is in line with the needs of the community and the construction built by the Patong village administration, Pinrang Regency, offers a level of pleasure, comfort, safety, beauty and can be described when the structure of the building has a positive effect, which is directly felt by society.

Keywords: community satisfaction, infrastructure development, village administration

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