Understanding the Voter Data Information System (SIDALIH): The Need for Sustainable Voter Data Accuracy (DPB) Ahead of the 2024 General Election


This study discusses the integration of technology in the form of a voter data information system application (Sidalih) by the KPU, which focuses on continuous voter data accuracy (DPB). The use of the Sidalih application is considered sufficient to help the KPU in its work, but for the 2024 election, the Sidalih-DPB application is not certain to be used due to inadequate regulations. This study aims to understand the role of Sidalih in increasing the accuracy of sustainable voter data ahead of the 2024 General Election in Indonesia. The successful implementation theory of the Merilee S Grindle model with content parameters and policy context becomes an instrument in exploring the function of Sidalih. The research was conducted at KPU Riau with a case study approach since this application was used in the process of voter data accuracy. The results of the study indicate that Sidalih is an application that is very helpful for realizing voter data that is accurate and quite effective. Sidalih serves to verify continuous voter data before and during the stage of updating voter data. However, Sidalih needs to get political support from policymakers to be used sustainably.

Keywords: voter data information system, Sidalih, data update, KPU, election, Indonesia

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