Analysis of Supporting Factors for the Development of Tourism Destinations Based on Local Wisdom in South Lampung


Cultural diversity and community identity in South Lampung have the potential to be packaged in a tourism model based on local wisdom. Based on this description, the research question can be formulated: What are the potential factors in developing a tourism model based on local wisdom in South Lampung Regency, Lampung Province? This research was conducted as R&D research, where data combines qualitative methods through direct observation, in-depth interviews with parties related to research, and quantitative methods through surveys. From the results of the study, it is known that the majority of tourists visiting South Lampung are mainly in the category of ”the casual cultural tourist” or tourists who want to enjoy other cultural heritages on a limited basis as a reason for traveling and in these destinations, they only visit attractions at a glance. Meanwhile, it is also understandable if the development of tourist destinations in the district has the potential to adopt a variety of local wisdom in the various interests of tourism policies in the region.

Keywords: regional tourism, local wisdom, tourism management

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