Innovation and Bureaucratic Reform in Indonesia's Judiciary


Bureaucratic reform is a major change in paradigm and governance that aims to create a professional government bureaucracy with adaptive characteristics and integrity, free from corruption, collusion, and nepotism, capable of serving the public with accountability, and upholding the organization’s basic values and the code of ethics for state apparatus behavior. Bureaucratic reform is related to efforts to create innovation. Along with the birth of the bureaucratic reform policy, innovation was also born. Bureaucratic reform is based on Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 81 of 2010 concerning the Grand Design of Bureaucratic Reform 2010-2025, which mandates that a bureaucratic reform road map be prepared every 5 years in each Ministry/State/Government Agency. To implement the mandate of bureaucratic reform, the Supreme Court, as the State institution holding the highest judicial power, launched an innovation in case registration and trial electronically, namely the e-Court (electronic Court) application by utilizing the sophistication of technology, information, and internet networks. E-Court can be interpreted as an application used to process lawsuit or petition registration, electronic case payments, and electronic trial calls. Although there are still obstacles in the implementation of the e-Court system, its presence as the latest innovation from the Supreme Court in the framework of bureaucratic reform is very appropriate because it makes the implementation of the e-Court system more efficient. Bureaucratic reform is very appropriate because it makes the judiciary accessible to all levels of society.

Keywords: innovation, bureaucratic reform, e-court

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