Indonesian Public Service Innovation Trends: An Analysis Based on Public Service Innovation Competition Top Innovations 2014-2019


In the last few years, Indonesia and many other countries have been increasing their innovations. As an appreciation of the implementation of innovations carried out by Government agencies, in 2014, the Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform began to hold the Public Service Innovation Competition (KIPP). The purpose of the studies is to describe the trend of public service innovation in 2014-2019 based on the innovators, innovation categories, and sectors. The archival method is used to analyze top public service innovations from the KIPP annual event held by the Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and the Bureaucratic Reform Republic of Indonesia in 2014-2019. Furthermore, the innovation data were filtered based on the innovators and focused on innovations from Ministries, Government Institutions, and Regional Governments, while the innovations initiated by state-owned companies were excluded. Finally, the data were analyzed based on three keywords: innovators, innovation categories, and sectors. The results showed that based on innovators, the Provincial Government group is the most innovative agency, followed by the Ministry and the Municipal Government. In terms of innovation category, it was found that technological innovation dominated top public service innovation, followed by process innovation and product/service innovation. Finally, in the sector keywords, it can be seen that the health sector is leading the innovation creation, followed by the agriculture/plantation/livestock sector and the environment and forestry sector.

Keywords: innovation, public sector, public service

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