The Role of Actors in Managing Collaborative Tourism in Indonesia


This article describes the role of actors in managing tourism collaboration in Indonesia in general and cases related to tourism management in the Rammang Ramming tourist village, Maros Regency. Collaboration in the management of tourist areas involves several elements, namely the tourism office, tourism awareness communities, private sector, residents in tourism areas, and community leaders. This study is interesting in the context of actor networks that have been described so far, such as collaboration problems in actor networks often occur so far due to their dependence on existing resources. This paper uses qualitative research methods in the form of descriptive analysis where this research describes the conditions of each role in collaboration for the management of the Rammang-Rammang Tourism area. The results of this study found that the knowledge and resource factors possessed by each actor in the network have become crucial in implementing management in the form of collaboration between actors to run well. The knowledge and resources possessed by each actor become an important key in determining the role of managing the Rammang-Rammang Tourism area.

Keywords: actor role, managing collaboration, tourism

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