Implementation and Challenges : "Digital Payment System Port Transportation in Developed Countries in Southeast Asia''


ASEAN makes development priorities and policies for structuring and integrating world ports in ASEAN STOM with three focuses such as Single Shipping Market (ASSM), ASSM Coordination Board, and Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). The study aims to look at the implementation and challenges of developing the Payment System Port Transportation in Southeast Asian countries with the development system of Single Shipping Market (ASSM), ASSM Coordination Board and Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) in Mainland Asia Country and Insular Asia Country. The method used is a literature study with meta-analysis and information from previous research. The results obtained by Laem Chabang Port, Thailand occupy category I Focus on Single Shipping Market (ASSM) Development, ASSM Coordination Board and Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). Meanwhile, in the Insular Asia Country at the ports of Singapore and Tanjung Priok, Jakarta the challenges faced were 33% policy and regulatory issues, 25% infrastructure problems, 22% institutional and human resources and 20% of planning and budgeting. Recommendations were given for the formation of integration and cooperation of ASEAN countries in formulating a transportation development strategy by creating a digital payment system environment so as to help entrepreneurs and industry as well as transportation users.

Keywords: Dygital payment system, port transportasi development

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