What is the Existing Condition of Palm Oil Plantation Management in Riau Province, Indonesia?


This study aims to describe the management of oil palm plantations in Riau Province using a qualitative method. The Nvivo 12 Plus software was used to analyze the data, which came from the results of interviews with each of the important actors. The results of this study showed that the social and legal aspects of managing oil palm plantations (37.93%), the economic aspects (34.48%), and the ecological aspects (27.59%) were the ones that stood out the most. The public has a general idea of what the economic benefits of oil palm are and what stakeholders think about them. From an environmental point of view, oil palm plantations are very important for keeping soil and water in place. However„ when you look at oil palm from a social and legal point of view, you can see that it has helped make residents’ incomes more equal. Therefore, it is important to remember that oil palm plantations need to be constantly and thoroughly monitored and evaluated by the people in charge of them.

Keywords: existing, management, plantation, palm oil

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