Effect of Application of E-Kinerja Assessment System in Improving Employee Performance


A quantitative study that aims to determine the effect of the application of the E-Kinerja assessment system in improving employee performance at the Rappocini District Office in Makassar City. The application of the E-Kinerja appraisal system is an independent variable, whereas employee performance is the dependent variable. The study included all the employees at the Rappocini Sub-District Office of Makassar City, amounting to 52 permanent employees and contract workers. The analysis technique used was simple regression. The results of this study were the application of the E-Kinerja assessment system application, namely the ease of using the E-Kinerja application, the achievement of targets and work realization, and attendance integrity had a positive and significant effect on employee performance, namely quality, quantity, implementation of duties and responsibilities at the Makassar City Rappocini Sub-district Office. Therefore, it can be concluded that with the application of the E-Kinerja appraisal system, employee performance has increased.

Keywords: E-Kinerja appraisal system application, employee performance

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