Interactive and Participatory Methods to Improve Learning Outcome of Nahwu-Sharf


The mastery of nahwu-Sharf’s is inseperable from learning Arabic, in learning there are oftenproblems faced by students. The focus of this study is to improve learningoutcomes of nahwu-Sharf.This study uses a qualitative approach with a classroom action reaserch method. The researcher using observation, interview and group discussion for collectingthedata. For the analysing isusing descriptive analysis model to describe the state of increasing achievement indicators of success of each cycle. The steps of the analysis include data collection, data simplification, data presentation and conclusion making and verification.The results of the research in the participatory-interactive method planning stage identified that students experienced difficulties in learning Nahwu-Sharafin terms of i’rab, giving lines when reading Arabic texts determining illat and wazan fi’il. The results of the research at the implementation stage of participatoryinteractive methods revealed an increase in students’ understanding of i’rab, giving lines when reading Arabic texts determining illat and wazan fi’il. The results of the study at the evaluation stage showed an increase in learning outcomes about learning Nahwu-Sharaf, especially student understanding of i’rab, giving lines when reading Arabic texts determining illat and wazan fi’il.

Keywords: Interactive, participatory methods; Nahwu-Sharf; Arabic

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