Comparison of Scientific Literacy Competence Domain Appearance in Task Questions of Biology Electronic School Books (BSE) at Each Grade of High School.


This descriptive study aims to determine the comparison of scientific literacy competence domain appearance in task questions of biology electronic school books (BSE) at each grade of high school. The subjects of this study consisted of 1,650 questions contained in the 2009 edition of the BSE Biology book for grade X, XI, and XII which were determined by purposive sampling technique which included sample questions and question exercises. The instrument used in this study was a document analysis sheet about the domain of scientific literacy competencies. The results of the task question analysis show that the higher level of the grade, the aspect of explaining scientific phenomena and aspects of interpreting data and scientific evidence has increased compared to the aspects of evaluating and designing scientific research that tends not to appear at each grade level. Therefore, based on these results it can be concluded scientific literacy competence domain appearance in task questions of high school biology electronic school books are not distributed well, so it needs improvement in the preparation of these questions in order to increase the domain of students’ scientific literacy competences.

Keywords: question domain of scientific literacy, Biology School Book (BSE)

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