Digital Healthcare Development for Global Citizenship: Equality of Access to Health Facilities and Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia
The COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia requires government efforts to provide health service technology in addition to maximizing health protocols. Digital Healthcare is used to provide digital data and facilitate access to health services for patients and health workers. The government has formed a policy regarding digital technology for health services that seeks to improve digital technology. However, there are still issues related to manual data entry, the lack of equal distribution of internet access, and user trust issues that affect the equality of access to healthcare facilities. Based on these problems, the paper assesses how the development of digital healthcare has affected the equality of access to health facilities and services during the COVID-19 pandemic by using the conceptual approach of Digital Healthcare and Global Citizenship. Qualitative research methods are used in a descriptive-analytical manner with analyzed literature sources. The results of this study found that the Indonesia Health Service (IHS) system, New All Record, was already available in Indonesia along with Digital Healthcare such as Citizen Health App, Peduli Lindungi, and Halodoc. However, there is a need for government collaboration in developing digital systems and monitoring health services for the community, outreach to the public, and maximizing online data entry via the web and existing applications for the challenges of manual data entry and digital healthcare equality in Indonesia.
Keywords: digital healthcare, global citizenship, equality of health facilities, equality of health services, the COVID-19 pandemic
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