Role of Artificial Intelligence in Human Resource Management in the Middle East Countries
The primary goal of this article is to contribute to the field of technology adoption research by providing researchers, organizations, HR leaders, service providers, and decision-makers with advanced understanding and valid inputs on the development of AI-based HR solutions and the determinants of adoption. The overall objective of this research is to determine the general attitude of HR managers toward the adoption of AI in HRM and to assess the factors that determine the adoption of AI from the perspective of HR managers. The proposed adoption factors were grouped into four constructs, innovation characteristics, trust, technology-organizational-environment (TOE) factors, and emphasized HR roles within the organization. The research was conducted among HR managers in Middle Eastern countries, specifically Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar. An online questionnaire was used to collect data from a total of 389 respondents. The results showed that respondents were largely positive toward AI applications in HRM. This positive attitude can be inferred from the mean values of two variables, relative advantage and attitude toward the application of AI in HRM. The research results showed that HR managers have a positive attitude and confidence that emerging AI applications can contribute to supporting the efficiency, effectiveness, and quality of HRM. In addition, the results showed a constructive perception of the relative benefits of AI. Researchers, policymakers, and service providers are also recommended to investigate the phenomenon from two perspectives, first, the impact of attitudes on actual adoption decisions and second, the factors that influence this impact.
Keywords: artificial intelligence, HRM, technology adoption, HR leaders, technologicalorganizational- environmental
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