Assessment of Farmers' Attitudes Toward Pest Control Services Provided by Birds
Sustainable, conservation-oriented agricultural practices like pest regulation by insectivorous birds can decrease agrochemical use and enhance efforts on maximizing biodiversity. Previous research has shown that attracting insect-eating bird species can improve pest control in fruit crops and have a positive impact on fruit yield. We conducted a survey among fruit farmers to analyze the determinants of the potential adoption of biological pest control (BPC) provided by insectivorous birds on their farms. Quantitative analysis showed that their willingness to implement the innovative practice, favoring farmland wildlife, is influenced by both economic and noneconomic factors. Farmers’ overall interest in attracting birds to their farms was related to a variety of factors, including their understanding of the beneficial role of insectivorous birds in biodiversity, their desire to reduce production costs, and their personal characteristics. These factors influencing farmers’ motivations for participation in biological pest control should be taken into account to clarify the barriers that prevent, and the incentives that might draw them into adoption of an eco-friendly approach for insect pest control.
Keywords: environmental benefits, innovative practice favoring farmland wildlife, farmers’ perceptions
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