Advancing Indonesian Education through the Three Penggerak Programs
To support the Kurikulum Merdeka policy, several programs have been launched by the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek), such as activating schools (Sekolah Penggerak), activating teachers (Guru Penggerak), and activating organizations (Organisasi Penggerak). To date, there are 2,492 Sekolah Penggerak spread across 111 cities of 34 provinces in Indonesia. Meanwhile, the number of Guru Penggerak is targeted in 2024 to be as many as 405,900 teachers. On the other hand, the Organisasi Penggerak will be assigned to assist 7,588 Sekolah Penggerak. Since the Indonesian government has high expectations for these programs, cooperation from various parties is needed. This paper undertakes a comprehensive analysis of these newly launched programs. We used a qualitative approach with a systematic review of the relevant databases on related topics. Observations and interviews were also conducted. We found that massive support from all parties, such as teachers, principals, facilitators, school supervisors, and officials, is very important to achieve the goals of the Kurikulum Merdeka. This study is important to gain a deep understanding of the Kurikulum Merdeka from the point of view of policymakers.
Keywords: Kurikulum Merdeka; Merdeka Belajar; Sekolah Penggerak; Guru Penggerak; Organisasi Penggerak
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