Importance of Data-based Planning in Kurikulum Merdeka Implementation


Despite having carried out many programs and activities, the quality of education in Indonesia has not significantly improved. This is because the planning has not been based on data in accordance with the problems at hand. In Merdeka Belajar Episode 19, the “Rapor Pendidikan” displays data on the quality of education obtained from various national assessments or surveys. As a report on school facilities and services, the Rapor Pendidikan is expected to be a reference for identifying, reflecting, and improving the quality of Indonesian education as a whole. However, some are unfamiliar as this is a relatively new policy. Further, the online system of Rapor Pendidikan is still being developed. Therefore, in this work, a systematic review was carried out on relevant databases about the Rapor Pendidikan from Kurikulum Merdeka’s perspective. There is strong evidence that Rapor Pendidikan provides trusted databases that can become national data references. This study has the potential to be a significant resource for enhancing the commitment and collaboration of diverse stakeholders in putting policies for better quality education into action.

Keywords: Kurikulum Merdeka; Merdeka Belajar; digital school; school management, rapor pendidikan

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